Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day one

I miss Erma Bombeck! I miss her wit, her insight and her ability to make me laugh, cry and reflect in one lone column. I have been thinking that we need a new "issue" of her. Someone of this generation who was a career person before they were a mom...and still works outside the home full time at their "other" full time job. Someone like me.

Before anyone goes off thinking for one moment that I do NOT think staying at home is a full time career, let me be clear. Some of us worked before we had children (if you have never worked and have no children, you are a different breed than someone who might find this interesting) and some of us have continued to work OUTSIDE the home now that we have children. Staying home is noble and wonderful if it is what you think is best for your family...and you can still manage to eat. Now don't go off about budgeting, either. This is only meant to be a light hearted look at juggling life. Whatever your life is right now.

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