Thursday, November 12, 2009


Rather than entering these as Day One I have made the decision that they should simply be numbered...sequentially although random would probably fit too. The expectation of writing something everyday could be seen as pressure. And who needs any more of that?

One of my wonderful sons and I came to an agreement the other day. Like many of us, I have some pretty brilliant children. Well this one really does not like school. We have tried everything. "Logical consequences", bribery (some call this is what it is) in the form of "rewards", threats, "adult" discussions (that's where we keep our volume level where OSHA claims nobody will have permanent hearing loss and listen to him explain why his viewpoint is, of course, the only correct one), at home "study hall", study get the idea. Oh, and did I mention organizational coaches and therapy?

The agreement we reached is that he will graduate...on time. This leaves him 3.5 semesters. Naturally in the classes he finds interesting he is getting fine grades. Interesting, among other things means little to no homework and easy, covered in class test material. Better yet open book tests. I may exercise my parental rights to question when the grade in any given class is the big goose egg, failing, zip-zero-nada. Trying to be an open minded, new millennium parent, I pointed out that he will need to live with his transcript. It may or may not hold him back at some point. We shook on it. He then asked if that constituted a binding contract and was answered with a resounding YES!

Here is the interesting thing. I feel better. He is understanding the reality of my "you own this" comment. He is absolutely feeling better. And I am as always, once again learning that my children are possibly wise beyond their years and want to be treated in an age appropriate manner. What a concept.

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